On 30/12/2010 22:09, Craig Wallace wrote:

I'm not involved in Nominatim, but some comments anyway:
You can go to this page and search for a place:
In the results, click the little link for "Details", which will give
more details of how Nominatim figured out the address. So for Biitig
Road it gives this page:
As you can see from that page, it is using the place=county node for
Saratoga. If counties etc are just mapped as nodes, then Nominatim has
to guess which county a place is in, based on which node is nearest. And
in this example, the node for Saratoga county is nearer to Biitig Road
than the node for Rensselaer county.

So its much more useful to map counties as areas/multipolygon relations,
and delete the place=county nodes. If you have now done this, and its a
complete border, and tagged correctly, then Nominatim should use it for
the address.
The same applies for cities/towns/villages etc - if they have defined
boundaries, then its a good idea to map them instead of just a node.

Have you got a link for the way/relation for Rensselaer County? I could
have a look at it, and see if its tagged correctly and complete.

I've noticed a similar problem with my home county of Kent, United Kingdom. My own street, Mulberry Road in Northfleet, doesn't show up in a search on "Mulberry Road, Kent" (it goes straight to another street of the same name in the county). The entry for my street (http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/details.php?place_id=13865667) doesn't mention any county in fact.

A search for "Kent, UK" brings up this: http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/details.php?place_id=251089, which is based on a single node and very inaccurate (and, not surprisingly, my Mulberry Road is outside that boundary).

And yet there is a relation for the county of Kent: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/172385

Is Nominatim ignoring this relation for some reason?


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