It's a monthly thing OSM land
lol  .. smooth :)

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 8:36 PM, Anthony <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Anthony <> wrote:
> > The wiki is confusing, though.  It puts highway=residential,
> > highway=track, highway=service, and highway=pedestrian under the
> > subcategory of "roads", but it puts highway=cycleway, highway=footway,
> > and highway=bridleway under the subcategory of "paths".  Which I
> > thought was distinguishing between motor vehicle traffic allowed and
> > motor vehicle traffic not allowed.  But then highway=pedestrian would
> > be an exception.
> > [....]
> > Well, according to my understanding of the wiki, a cycleway (like a
> > bridleway and a footway) is a "path" and not a "road".  If we want to
> > keep that distinction, maybe there should be a highway=unknown tag,
> > for cases where we don't know if it's a "path" or a "road".
> By the way, this is a great example of why "no approval process
> required for tags" is a weakness, and not a strength (see "Ultimate
> list of approved keys",
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