
Dermot McNally wrote:
And here I begin to have a doubt - the sea polygons are tagged
natural=water_sea. My assumption was that these would be ignored in
rendering because no such tag is understood. But as it's a "natural"
tag, won't it actually be considered a polygon and stored in the DB
anyway? If so, it must be the culprit. What do you think?

It will certainly be stored in the DB because osm2pgsql does not know about rendering rules. Plus, there it at least one query in the standard rendering rules that will actually *retrieve* such a polygon and return it to the Mapnik library for processing (where it will then be discarded):

<Layer name="text-poly" status="on" srs="&osm2pgsql_projection;">
      <Parameter name="table">
(select way,aeroway,shop,access,amenity,leisure,landuse,man_made,"natural",place,tourism,NULL as ele,name,ref,military,waterway,historic,'no'::text as point
       from &prefix;_polygon
       where amenity is not null
          or "natural" is not null
      ) as text

You could try commenting that layer out to see if that improves the situation.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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