Le 19/02/2011 19:27, Dave F. a écrit :
> On 19/02/2011 17:30, Richard Mann wrote:
>> There's probably some good reason, but why isn't there a link from
>> osm.org to report a bug?
> Could it be because not many people use it?
> I still don't understand why, in a collaborative project, that osmbugs
> is used as a record to get other people to amend missing items
> "Feel free to put the modifications you would like to see on
> OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org> on the map."
> That is from the front page. To me, it goes against the way OSM is
> meant to work; if you want to see modifications to OSM then do it
> yourselves.
> Much more useful is the likes of Keepright which can flag up fixme tags.
> Dave F.

Please think about the beginners for a second...
About all the people who are more used to reading maps than making them.
About the people who use GPS units to find their way around, and are
willing to go out of their way to report an error in the data.

My first "input" to OSM was through OpenStreetBugs.

After I had seen that the POI in question was "recorded", it encouraged
me to delve more into OSM, and the second POI that I input was through

Think also that there are countries where the number of active mappers
is closer to 10 than to 1000, and where local knowledge would be very

Best regards,


PS : It is not because you do not to see the point of something that it
does not have a point for someone else.

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