The source tag is included in the two Python scripts included in this

All I know, is that it is very time consuming to add this data. Looking up
what the address may refer to. Checking whether it's next to the street it
was intended, etc.

And, of course, if there are no other house numbers present yet in our data,
one can never be sure that the nodes are placed correctly.

It's also not clear whether these addresses are provided by the customers of
these companies, or by the company owners themselves. Possibly a little bit
of both?


2011/3/4 Alan Mintz <>

> At 2011-03-03 11:23, Jo wrote:
>> I used mapquest_critical_addresses for the source tag.
> Why not add that to the Python conversion script so we at least have some
> consistency there?
> Is this data really worth importing?
> I have to say that, from the comments so far, quality seems quite low, and
> that was quite predictable.
> In my work with GMM and then OSM, I find that people who pop in just to
> update one or two POIs or streets often make mistakes. It takes some skill
> and experience to correctly interpret satellite imagery, a detail-oriented
> mind to compare the appearances of multiple buildings or measure correctly
> to determine which is your intended target, an understanding of correct
> addressing standards in the community in question, etc. IME, the average
> citizen fails in one or more of these.
> Google Earth is full of mis-placed and mis-named placemarks, and those were
> from people who had to have an extra level of knowledge to figure out how to
> use the BBS to get them posted. Now that input is coming from
>, even with review, user-contributed data is very often
> wrong.
> Why should this data be any different? Why is dragging a point to the
> nearest building and more correct that dragging it to the next block, or the
> next town, if you don't know the feature personally?
> --
> Alan Mintz <>
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