On 03/04/2011 08:04 AM, Antony Pegg wrote:

> knowing the amazing diligence of this community, I'm sure you guys will
> find tags we've missed that should or could be used for
> bike/pedestrian.  If you feel its worth mentioning, please please please
> provide some point of reference so we can eyeball it - a wayID, or a
> link to a route on the open mapquest site where it isnt going thru a
> feature you think it should. Thanks.

Another thing I just noticed...MapQuest is completely ignoring
route=bicycle relations.  Something that would be nice but isn't as
critical is to pick up on bicycle=preferred/avoid cues for ways that
have been observed by mappers to be ideal/scary to use by bicycle.

I would also suggest providing more weight to residential roads over
higher priority roads if they lack cycleway=* tags or bicycle=designated
tags, since at least in the US, major arterials are often the least
ideal route for a cyclist, particularly inexperienced, out of shape, or
extremely young/old riders.  It would be a selling point to shoot for
the "8-88 with no special bicycle skills" demographic by default with
the ability to change routing options based on strength (which already
exists with the hill modes) or ability (ie, intermediate riders may get
routed onto a secondary now and then and prefer residential to tertiary,
and bump it one higher for strong riders, and include motorways and
trunks where not tagged bicycle=no for die-hard utility cycling)

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