
This has been discussed[1] some time ago but the answer is somehow
unclear to me. I understand that EPSG:900913 is (may be?) a crappy
projection[2]. However, I still need a map of Poland at zoom 6-8 warped
to EPSG2180. How to use geotifcp (how to prepare metadata) to embed
appropriate information in an image exported from OpenStreetmap?

[1] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap/19958
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Exporting_calibrated_maps
Było mi bardzo miło.               Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
>Łukasz<                 Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

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