On Sun, 20 Mar 2011 18:49:25 +0100
Michael Collinson <m...@ayeltd.biz> wrote:

> We need a reliable process for dealing with these.
> Currently, the License Working Group has been doing some work but it 
> feels that it is not dealing with the issues adequately and some
> issues not at all.
> What should we do?

Honestly I would have expected some suggestions from the LWG, rather
than just the list of what happens now.

What were the suggestions at the meeting(s)? The minutes suggest that
this has been on the table for some time, so surely there are some
suggestions already.

I would have no difficulty in advising someone that they had used
material without attribution, and have definitely already done so with
two open source projects.
However, do not think that I will do so under a different licence where
I am not the actual copyright holder. If OSMF wishes to hold the
copyright, OSMF can deal with the problems.

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