Is there a reason why you decided to split this proposal into a
different page for each section (with 2-3 paragraphs per page) instead
of just one large page like most other parts of the wiki?  Im upto the
4th page and still dont quite understand what you're proposing.


On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 11:28 +0200, Jochen Topf wrote:
> Hi!
> Some people (including me) are not happy with the way we represent areas in
> OSM.  There have been some discussions here and there, but not much was done.
> If we want to make progress on this issue we should document what the problems
> with the current approach actually are. Based on that we can develop and
> evaluate possible solutions.
> Frederik and I have written down some of the issues and ideas on these pages:
> . This is only a
> beginning to establish a place where the discussion can be documented and
> organized. Please add your concerns, problems, issues, proposed solutions,
> etc.
> Jochen

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