jynus <jynusx <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I think it is an announcement with the same impact as the one from the
> French Cadastre or Ordinance Survey permissions, maybe even better, as
> we have directly permission to get and use the vectorial data, updated
> every 3 months.
> We are yet greatly shocked on the Spanish mailing list, but if anyone
> is interested we will start working on coordinating there and on the
> wiki. We have yet to review the exact conditions and how to conform
> with them, and also see how are we going to merge it with existing
> data.

I am pretty sure that Catastro is doing good job also with the updates. Perhaps
we should start seriously to think about alternative ways for utilising foreign
data together with OSM data and not just import and merge everything that is
available. It can be pretty hard to update the imported, merged and perhaps user
enhanced data with the updates coming from the original data provider. But if
the data will not be updated OSM will have a partly enhanced but also partly
outdated snapshot of data. The aim should be up-to-date and user enhanced data.

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