On 04/14/2011 11:29 AM, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:
> Why is the queue not enhanced to avoid instances where tile-rendering
> queries are rejected due to a full queue?

I have no knowledge about the specifics of this server, but I can speak

Requests are coming in faster than the server can process them. This
means that some requests have to be dropped, no matter what*. Once you
know that, the length of the queue doesn't matter much.

The advantage of a shorter queue is that it reduces latency. Since each
request has to wait for everything in front of it to be processed, the
fewer things in front of the one you care about, the faster it'll happen.

The advantage of a longer queue is that it can smooth out any variations
in request speed. If sometimes requests come in faster than the server
can process, and sometimes they come in slower, then requests can build
up in the fast times and the server can catch up when they slow. This is
apparently what happens to OSM between 00:00 and 06:00 on the graph.

By lengthening the queue, it would be possible to make the server be
constantly busy during that period as well. However, it would come at
the expense of increased latency, and depending on how many requests are
being dropped, filling in that period of lesser activity might not make
much of a difference.

* Technically, you could let the queue will grow indefinitely and time
to process any given request will approach infinity. That's not a good
idea though.

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