Hello all,

The OSMF Local Chapters Working Group is moving towards building a framework
for the recognition and collaboration with future OSMF Local Chapters all
over the world. Having Local Chapters that involves local OSM contributors
makes sense because OSMF cannot function everywhere and it would be better
to spread OSM's mission and promotion among Local Chapters.

Towards that end, the LCWG has created an initial list of requirements for
potential Local Chapters: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/

There is also an initial agreement between a potential Local Chapter and
OSMF: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters/Agreement

These are all patterned from the Local Chapters framework of the Wikimedia
Foundation and on points discussed during LCWG online meetings. Please take
note that these are *draft* documents and really needs more input from the
community, especially from Local Chapters-to-be.

If you are interested in commenting on, and discussing these draft documents
or participating in setting up the Local Chapters framework in general,
please do consider joining the local-chapters mailing list which was
specifically set-up to discuss these things:

You can also find more information about the status of OSMF Local Chapters
over at the wiki:


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