
On 05/04/11 03:23, Serge Wroclawski wrote:
Dave, if you have a suggestion that would let us communicate in real
time (not over weeks via email) then please share this with the group.

The alternative to communicating in real-time is fundamentally changing your organisational structure to reduce international decision-making to an absolute bare minimum by devolution.

For example, move to a kind of distributed software/database architecture, incorporate OpenStreetMap Australia, let them collect their own funds, operate their own database, make their own decisions, have their own logo, have their own project main page, have their own strategy working group, have their own license, and so on.

Same for other continents or time zone bands.

I know it sounds crazy and it is certainly not something we can do tomorrow - but then again many of us are better (and more comfortable) solving technical problems than dealing with humans.

I am sure there must be other international projects where there is no centrally planned strategy and central funding/operations, just a very thin and powerless international body in which the regional/national organisations are members, and the latter have all the funding, operations, and manpower.


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