On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
> On 06/05/11 19:31, Nic Roets wrote:
>> I really want to avoid the delays that another round of discussion and
>> eventual hardware purchases will bring. So I'm willing to pay for
>> hosting on Amazon during a trial period. That will give us the ability
>> to scale infinitely. It will also give us time to find the most
>> appropriate hardware and raise the necessary donations.
> Have you asked the sysadmins if they would consider such a solution
> acceptable? I would certainly be against it.

Actually I did ask Grant. He indicated that he had no problem with
other than it being expensive. But I still want to know the answer to
Lambertus' question.

>> So the only remaining issue is for the sysadmins to apply, test and
>> deploy the patch they received.
> To the best of my knowledge the sysadmins have never received any such
> patch. Indeed as far as I know it doesn't exist.

I was referring to the patch that Frederik sent you on 7 March 2011.

> I originally understood that what you had on dev was a properly integrated
> solution but I now understand that it is in fact just static HTML and JS
> code that has been bolted on the side of the rails code.

I got the static Html working inside a rails 'erb'.

Not going through a rails controller has a couple of benefits:
Firstly, browsers parse jsonp code much faster than XML. Secondly it
allows the routing server, nominatim (and the tile server) to all be
hosted on different servers.

> If I'm wrong then please correct me and send me the patch to review.

The problem is that you are making so many changes to the rails port,
it's like trying to shoot a bullet with a smaller bullet. While some
of your changes were important, many are IMHO not nearly important as
getting routing going.

> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
> http://compton.nu/

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