On 24 May 2011 20:10, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Say you see a way in Potlatch which is a member of relation X (in Robin's
> example, the Auckland coast to coast trail), and you want to add this
> relation X to another relation, Y, which already exists (in Robin's example,
> the 'te araroa' trail).
> * Select the way
> * use "Advanced" mode to see relation X of wich way is a member
> * double click relation X to open relation editor
> * use "Advanced" mode to see relations of which X is member (currently
> empty)
> * click "Add to" to add X to another relation
> * since Y is unlikely to be already loaded, and thus will not appear in the
> list, click "Load Relation" and enter Y's relation ID
> * Y is loaded, and X is made a child of Y.

excellent, thanks. exactly what i was after

> In cases where Y doesn't already exist, use the "New Relation" button
> instead of "New Relation".
> If you don't know the relation ID of Y, and don't even know an area that you
> could load to find it, then it is possible that you can use Google for that,
> searching for something like
> site:www.openstreetmap.org  relation type=route route=hiking e6

ah, that's a good idea.

i wonder - is there a way in osm to search for relations, other than
using google/some other external search engine?

if i know the number it's easy enough, but as you say, that's not
always the case.

also, if i have accidentally created a relation by mistake, how do i delete it?

cheers for the help


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