
I cant see anything in the Contributor Terms which state that if you are only 
adding  "non-substantial and non-systematic " data then it is OK to import 
non-compatible data.  So one question is, will the import be carried out 
through an account which has agreed to the CT's, in which case the import would 
be a breach of the CT's.

Secondly, obviously I don't know what licence the original data was licensed 
under, but I would be worried that you might breaching the terms of that 
licence by importing the data into OSM if the terms of that licence and the OSM 
licence are incompatible.  Obviuosly the OSM community can give their views on 
whether importing the data is acceptable to OSM, but we cant give view on 
whether it would be acceptable to the original licence holder.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mikel Maron 
  To: legal-t...@openstreetmap.org 
  Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 3:18 PM
  Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Import from Ushahidi Libya Instance

  You may be aware, UN OCHA has been coordinating a Ushahidi instance to map 
reports from the the Libya Crisis. http://libyacrisismap.net/. OSM is the base 

  They've geocoded about 150 places and POI, and have recruited OSM folks to 
conflate this list with OpenStreetMap.

  The issue is that the source for the geocoding is listed, but not always 
licensed under a license compatible with OSM.

  Even if locations were derived from non-compatible license sources, my 
thinking has been that this is "non-substantial and non-systematic", and 
therefore might be permissible to import. Data is only collected based on 
select needs to geocode reports. The numbers are just over 150. According to 
the Substantial Guideline of the ODbL, an extract from OSM like this would not 
trigger the viral terms of the license.
  Question is then twofold. One, we haven't yet adopted the ODbL, so how much 
could a guideline apply. And two, how does the concept of non-substantial apply 
to importing data? I think there's a good chance it's ok, in which case all 
data could be brought in. The alternative would then be to exempt particular 
POI from conflation, or simply geocode them again using fully clear sources.


  == Mikel Maron ==
  +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron


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