2011/6/17 Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:00 AM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
> Source is disputed? By whom? I've never heard any dispute about it? I
> put a source tag on every single object I create, and try and update
> it when I modify it.

It is not completely useless but I observed that in general the more
versions an object has, the less reliable the source tags on it are.
Maybe you are an exception and do update every object you touch and
you verify always the source on it, but most mappers actually don't.

> IMHO changeset comments really don't work well
> (in Potlatch at least),

it depends how often you upload. For small edits where you just enter
that place you have recently been to, I find them perfect. Bigger
edits will usally get more generic comments, but when tracing from
aerial imagery I include the provider and if known the year of the

> and it's far too easy to include the wrong
> objects in a changeset.

either way you can miss some parts of your edit.


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