Hi all,

I am doing a large upload (~600k nodes, ~4k ways, 280 relations) using the 
bulk_upload.py script.

Up to some point everything was fine, all the nodes got uploaded, and also half 
of the ways, but then it started to return the "500 Internal Server Error" 


Attached is the osmChange document which gets sent to the server and causes the 


Please note that I have run the entire upload on the dev server first 
without any such problems. There were '500 server error" messages but 
after rerunning the script several times the upload went through.

Now it doesn't get through - in a consistent manner.


    All the empty changesets are the result of the above error being returned.


The progress can be seen here:



We (Israel community) are discussing the upload here:



Any help would be greatly appreciated,



OSM - Israel



Attachment: 8458053.osc
Description: Binary data

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