On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Jaakko Helleranta.com <
jaa...@helleranta.com> wrote:

> As I suggest in the subject line: I'd really love us not to punish the
> world's disadvantaged with our license/CT disagreements.
> That's why fosm.org exists.  No data will get deleted.  It will continue
to exist and can be updated at fosm.org.

If you are worried that your data is threatened then that's because you are
now looking in the wrong place.  Fosm has more data than OSM already and
will continue to sync with all OSM updates as well as accepting new updates

OSM is not trying to punish anyone, its just that the community thinks that
less data under a different license is better for them.  If you are happy
with the way things were then you don't have to lose anything, just change
your URL from osm.org to fosm.org.

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