Sorry, if this is a FAQ.
Can someone please tell me the meaning of the colours in Potlatch2
license status option?
And what is the colour who have not accepted/declined CT yet?

No colour: All editors of the way/node accepted CT.
Yellow: ?
Orange: ?
Red: All editors of the way/node declined CT.

2011/7/24, Michael Kugelmann <>:
> Am 21.07.2011 10:28, schrieb Fabian Schmidt:
>> So, a way will change it's colour after a user accepts the license.
>> But it will stay in the old colour for some weeks if the way is
>> recreated with a new ID.
> I for my personnal view think that's way too slow for current demands:
> we should see at least a daily update for the demands of the current
> work which is necessary to replace ways. Is there a way to speed up e.g.
> by getting closer to the main database or so?
> Best regards,
> Michael.
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