Quick Reminder: This weekend we have a partial outage...
Further details: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Power_Maintenance_Q3_2011

http://stateofthemap.org/ will be available this weekend, including
tickets / registration.

On 28 June 2011 12:21, Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:
> Some secondary OpenStreetMap services will be unavailable during the
> following dates, due to power maintenance work at our server hosting:
> - 2nd and 3rd July 2011. (Saturday & Sunday)
> - 30th and 31st July 2011. (Saturday & Sunday)
> - 3rd and 4th September 2011. (Saturday & Sunday)
> - and 1 weekday (to be confirmed) during August 2011.
> On each of these weekends, the servers will be shut down at 7:30 UTC,
> and will be started again after works are completed, which will be
> Sunday 16:30 UTC at the latest, but may be earlier. We do not yet have
> a precise date for the August maintenance.
> The following services will be unavailable during these periods:
> * XAPI / jXAPI
> * dev.openstreetmap.org server (errol)
> * rendering of new map tiles
> * osmfoundation.org and stateofthemap.org web sites
> As a temporary replacement for XAPI/jXAPI, consider using third-party
> services such as that provided by MapQuest:
> http://developer.mapquest.com/web/products/open/xapi
> Additional information will be posted to the following page:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Power_Maintenance_Q3_2011
> The following services are *not* affected:
> * www.openstreetmap.org web site
> * API and Editing (*phew*)
> * planet.openstreetmap.org and diffs.
> * tile serving for existing tiles (details below)
> * Wiki
> * Nominatim (search)
> * mailing lists
> * subversion and git (source code repositories)
> * trac (bug-tracker)
> * donate.openstreetmap.org
> Maps will still be viewable on the openstreetmap.org homepage and on
> other people's websites. We’ll be serving tiles from a back-up tile
> server. However rendering engines will be de-activated, meaning that
> new rendering of map updates will not take place during the
> maintenance period, some requests for tiles will fail where no cached
> copy is available, and tile response times may be slower than normal.

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