Dear All!

I'm currently truing to create a system to produce extracts of all countries of the world and maintain them in an up-to-date state.

The extracts are created by cutting the planet with osmosis. The polygons used are made from countries borders taken from OSM.

Please have a look at the extracts at:

You can find there the extract in osm.pbf format, the link to the .poly file used, the link to the border relation used. Not all countries are present there for the moment due to some errors in scripts. That will be fixed.

I would be grateful for bug reports - first of all on the accuracy of extraction, correct borders and so on.

Please keep in mind that for performance purposes osmosis is run with omitmettadata=true, so no date, changeset or author information will be found in the extracts. This is a temporary measure.

This is currently an beta-stage, so the extracts are a little bit outdated.

I know I am not the first one to create extracts, but more is never worse that less :)

Kirill aka Ezhick

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