On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Phil! Gold wrote:

> * Michal Migurski <m...@stamen.com> [2011-09-07 09:13 -0700]:
>> This kind of thing [joining roads with similar names] really needs to be
>> applied all-at-once to a large dataset, because it can really mess with
>> tile boundaries when done at render-time.
> I'd be interested in any view-based solutions people have come up for
> merging road names.  I've tried three different approaches that all fall
> short one way or another.  I can generate an auxilary table with the
> merged geometries, but that won't be updated by the minutely updates.
> I've tried setting up recursive queries to spider their way along the
> extents of connected identically-named roads, but that gets really slow
> and I never got it working quite right.  What I've settled on is running
> an ST_Collect() across all the ways in the current metatile's bbox, but
> that, as you note, makes for a lot of artifacts at tile boundaries.

It also has another nasty side-effect, which is that you end up needing to put 
the whole query into your stylesheet with a "!bbox!" placeholder so that mapnik 
can replace it with the render bounds. Otherwise, PostGIS does its level best 
to collect geometries from the *entire* database. This is an annoying pain with 
Mapnik or Cascadenik-based layers files, but it's even more annoying in Carto 
where the JSON syntax precludes use of newlines in large, complex queries.

Here's a sample query showing what I mean:

High Road sticks to things that can be done solely with views, mostly to make 
like easier for Carto + Tilemill users.


michal migurski- m...@stamen.com

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