Thanks for the update Zsombor!

Well for all of you that didn't noticed the problem with our servers,
you might check out the following discussions:!i!/diary/15046

There are some updates on the other apps as well:

> current (already done) steps:
> --------------------
> 1. today I'll release new version 1.3.4
> 2. direct downloading from server will be disable.
> I'll leave only viewing and caching data. This should reduce locus to
> only some mobile viewer
> 3. today I finished "new" vector maps, (update that finally cover
> whole planet) so I hope that many users will use them
> 4. I also moved MapQuest server on first place in list of maps, this
> should also help to reduce using of OSM classic server
> 5. And finally I donated amount that at least should cover some damage
> done due to enormous numbers of users
> plans:
> ------------
> 1. I was yesterday playing for whole day with mapnik, openlayers,
> mod_tile and some other stuff and even when I never did something like
> this, seems it should work (I have already simple map of Czech
> republic in Locus from own server ... nice), so I decided that I'll
> create own tile server that will move completely all trafic from osm
> classic server to this (only for locus) server. One my friend is more
> experience with these server stuff so I'll meet him in monday and hope
> that we should start work on this soon ...

The author of NaviComputer wrote me a mail and pointed out, that the had
made some modifications time ago:
-limited DL speed and 2 threads only
-limited areas (so for zoom 17/18 only smal areas)
-additional hints, pleasing the users not to cause to much traffic

So we might remove the warnings from the corresponding wiki pages, do

Matthias (!i!)

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