On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> Have you been able to share experiences with Parveen and his GSoC
> project to make a similar simplified tile server installation method?
Thanks Richard for your concern to my project.

@Kal Hi
I have done the same work as my GSoC project and still working on it,
What I have done till now is made a debian package with sample data of
my own city,
which on Installation on Ubuntu set up all the tool chain required to
set up the tile server, and you will be able to show a map of Ludhiana
Means your tile server is set.
After that There is browser Interface to select your own area, It will
automatically pick up all the four bounding box point, you can put
maximum and minimum value in it and then a script will generate, and
on running that script Tile server of your own area will be set up.

I still have to do the customisation part, In which user will be able
to change the colors of the map, streets and Icons and to add new
fonts of own language and some other add ons like search feature and
distance measurement from one point to another.

For More Info:

Thank You.

Parveen Arora
E-Mail: m...@parveenarora.in

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