On 13 Dec 2011, at 21:34, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> On 12/13/2011 09:39 PM, Adam Hoyle wrote:
>> Is the process for deciding whether or not to delete a node set in
>> stone? I am fairly sure that I have moved the majority of those nodes
>> from where they were originally (I am fairly sure because there was
>> originally only 1 path on OSM going up the hill when there are 2
>> different paths on the ground), so surely if I moved them from their
>> original position they can't be deleted just because the specific node
>> id in the database was originated by someone else?? that's crazy -
>> what's the logic behind that decision - shouldn't the check ensure that
>> they are at least in the same place as the originator positioned them?
> This is an argument put forward by a number of contributors and it certainly 
> has something going for it.
> My usual counter-example is: Assume I highlight a river in my editor and move 
> the whole thing by one metre - leaving all the curves, bends, and zigzag 
> shapes that the original mapper placed there intact - does that then afford 
> me, exclusively, the copyright for all the nodes (if there is any at all)?

an interesting and very valid point.
 If it is agreed to be an issue, then surely it's another thing a computer 
could check - eg. if the relationship (distance and angle) between all the 
points on a line don't match (or a % of them don't match) then that can be 
considered different and so not necessary to remove.

> It is important to note that the OSM Inspector view is not the final word - 
> not even an "official word" - on the question of what gets deleted. It is 
> just my interpretation of the current situation.

it's awesome, and although this has panicked the hell out of me, I am glad to 
better understand the situation before things get deleted and I wonder why.


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