
Great thanks to all the comments about the links i sent in the last post, now i 
can respond to them after some analysis, and also give more details about them;

I have picked alot from your replies and learnt that we are doing almost 
similar tasks, all the OSM editors have advantages and disadvantages, and we 
shall be using all of them, only that we have lately been inclined towards 
potlatch because it is easy to use and spot on: "what you edit is what you get 
(WYEWYG)" and it enables the practical usage of the internet. Uganda being a 
low developing country can benefit alot from using the internet and despite the 
fact that there are various areas without internet connectivity, it (the 
internet) is growing at a fast pace!!, hence the use of potlatch.

The training has just begun and we have started with a few number of people who 
will be tested with their skills on the mapping days or future projects that 
will involve, then we shall keep on training more interested 
It's a 4 hour training for 2 days in a week for the students in their holiday, 
am actually surprised to learn that H.O.T carries out a 2day workshop that 
covers the manual. This 
was after the 1st mapping day, with a follow up of 2 months to produce the 
above output, foot survey and satellite. 2nd 
mapping day with some students from Mukono Christian University Uganda (not 
fully mapped). After 
the 3rd mapping day, work is still in progress, it is a slum area (informal 
settlement). By from Denmark who visited the area and used a gps 
as well as JOSM. Done 
by me (Douglas) local knowledge have lived in this area. By Kate 
Adoch she has good local knowledge for the area.

We contacted Mikel Maron <> for some assistance about the 
informal settlements, and he gladly shared with us and connected us to some 
mappers on the map Kibera project in Kenya 

We will be sharing with the OSM community our activities and documented 
materials for the better, i think the gates are ok, as explained by Reinier 
(, that is how the Ugandan locality and 
housing is structured, and asJoseph said we may need to include the access key 
and its attributes.

Kate Chapman gave useful links to potlatch as well as other members who advised 
on using the tasking manager, thanks. We will be working with the tasking tool 
in our future acts.

Coming up is mapping at this area: it is 
currently blank, but there is a coca-cola plastic waste collection center that 
is going to be indicated on OSM with the students we are training, it's newly 
built so the satellite imagery may not show it. This will be done on Monday 
19th December 2011.

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi
Mobile: +256-772-422524
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