On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:13 AM, Russ Nelson <nel...@crynwr.com> wrote:
> Oh, and, could we convince r_coastlines to accept the license? I've
> put a LOT of work into fixing the coastlines (which were utter CRAP in
> the first place), and I'm unenthusiastic about having them
> lost. OSMInspector is reporting the wrong thing, by the way. Look at
> http://osm.mapki.com/history/way.php?id=3753612 and you'll see a bunch
> of nodes, only two supposedly touched by me. Yet if you click on any
> node, say
> http://osm.mapki.com/history/node.php?id=18666667 or
> http://osm.mapki.com/history/node.php?id=18666670 you'll see that I've
> touched them.

When displaying a way, mapki.com only shows changes that affect the
way version. This includes node addition/removal but not moving
existing nodes. I brought this up with Ian on IRC and the way it
works, it really isn't practical to do deep node inspection as part of
the way history.

> Basically, the only thing left out of r_coastline's creation is
> "source=PGS" which by now any sourcing has been completely
> eliminated. I've edited A LOTTA LOTTA coastlines of New York State in
> a similar manner.
> Easiest fix is for r_coastlines to accept.

The second easiest is to make use of the odbl=clean tag that the OSM
inspector allows. Assuming of course that this tag will also be
respected in the final process on April 1. This needs an answer
from... someone. (LWG?) Of course you would only want to do this if
you can vouch for your edits having removed any usefulness of previous
editors. In this instance it certainly sounds like this would be the
case. I have similar ways along the interstates in Kansas on which I
will be using this.

This is documented here:


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