On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Michal Migurski <m...@stamen.com> wrote:
>> OpenStreetMaps has its own data but it is provided by a community that does 
>> not have as much momentum as Wikipedia, even New York City data is pretty 
>> much incomplete[1]
> This was in response to the out-of-date NYC page on the wiki, and Russ Nelson 
> set the commenter straight in the thread. Still, the perception of lower 
> quality or at least incompleteness is lurking out there.

Not really relevant, but this point made me remember about when I
first came across OSM and had learned what it was about, I was
expecting empty patches in my city, but when I looked at the map all
the streets were there it looked complete to me so I didn't bother
looking into contributing. It was only a year later that I
rediscovered OSM and realised that even though the streets were
mapped, there were all sorts of other features that I could contribute
like bike paths, drinking fountains, public toilets, local parks...

I wonder if it was called OpenWorldMap rather than OpenStreetMap when
I first came across it, if this wouldn't have constrained myself to
solely streets when I first looked at the map...

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