
Have sent this both here and to the fosm mailing list.

Anyway, to summarise I don't care about the licence and am fully intending to 
continue contributing to OSM after the licence change.

However I am concerned about severe loss of footpath data in my area and 
consequently I'm looking to contribute both to OSM and to fosm. I could remap 
some of the data to be lost (Andy Street's in particular) and probably will 
from time to time, but not *every* weekend.

First question: could I contribute a set of new ways to both projects without 
invalidating the licence? e.g. do a GPS survey, add the paths to OSM, and then, 
add the same paths to fosm.

Secondly, I run my own copy of the OSM database on my Freemap server. Could I, 
if necessary, mix-and-match OSM and fosm data as necessary in Freemap's 


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