>Hi Frans/Graham,

>Just to clarify this: on my site, the client does indeed only request data for 
>the bounding box currently being displayed, see

>The features.php script expects a bbox (comma-separated west,south,east,north 
>bounding box) parameter.

>All the freemap code is available at


>I haven't actually worked on simplifying the feed at low zoom levels just yet, 
>though my approach would be to filter based on feature type (e.g. only cities 
>and large towns).


Just to update on this, the JSON server is now the "bsvr.php" not 
"features.php". This is a more general server which can input and output data 
in standard wgs84/EPSG:4326, Google projection or OSGB projection, and output 
the data as XML as well as geojson.


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