
On 2012-02-01 18:05, Frederik Ramm wrote:
Finally, I am looking at ways to visualize relations on the OSMI view. If you 
have any ideas about that, feel free to suggest something.

I think there isn't a general all-purpose solution for all relation types. I 
think different types need different visualisations:

- restrictions could be easily displayed by a symbol/node like in josm near the 
"via" role node
- routes - obviously some line style, but how to deal with situations where 
many relations use the same way? One possible solution could be a list of 
relations like the list of elements that appears when you click on something in 
osmi (say, near a ct-dirty node of a ct-dirty way - both show up)
- multipolygons could be easily visualised by rendering the polygon itself, 
maybe as a filled area without the outline so you can still see wether the ways 
are clean or dirty
- boundary relations would best be visualised by some casing around the ways, 
maybe with different widths according to their admin_level
- sites could be difficult, maybe some area style of either the perimeter or all members 
or some sort of "grouping" like the public transport layer does for stop_areas 
and stop_area_groups
- associatedStreet relations could be visualized like the house numbers in the address 
layer of osmi or "grouped"
- public_transport stop relations (stop_area, stop_area_group) - imo the public 
transport layer of osmi is quite nice regarding the visualisation of these 
relation types
- enforcement relations - grouping like above

I think an extra relation layer would be nice for osmi to avoid confusion.

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