I would say generally, yes. I notice locally a bot following around
a mapper who uses denomination=Anglican converting it to
denomination=anglican (and auto-correct made that difficult to type
with a lower case in this email). 


See also:


“All tags are lower-case, except for names.”


(I’d add FIXME=* as an exception to the all tags are lower-case
rule; I’m sure other people might come up with other exceptions; see
for example:

http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys sort by Key ascending and go
forward a few pages to get past those beginning with a digit – AND
prefixed keys for example are quite numerous).




From: Matthew Deabreu [mailto:matthew.deab...@safe.com] 
Sent: 07 February 2012 20:51
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk] Are OSM tags case sensitive?


Hello All,


Just a quick question, are OSM tags case sensitive?


I have seen quite a bit of discussion about the topic however I have
not seen a definitive answer. I am wondering because I work at Safe
Software Inc. and the product we are working on currently treats
them as case sensitive. Should we make our product (FME) treat OSM
tags as case insensitive and convert attributes to all lower case?


Thank you for any help!


Matthew DeAbreu | Development Intern

Safe Software Inc.
Suite 2017, 7445 - 132nd Street, Surrey, BC Canada V3W 1J8
T 604.501.9985 x 225  | F 604.501.9965
matthew.deab...@safe.com | www.safe.com

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