2012/2/13 Michael Kugelmann <michaelk_...@gmx.de>

> Hello all,
> following my short summary of the FOSDEM 2012 at the first weekend in
> February at Brussels.
> As discussed in advance we had an OSM stand at the FOSDEM.
> See e.g. at 
> http://www.openstreetmap.fr/f/**IMG_3746_web.jpg<http://www.openstreetmap.fr/f/IMG_3746_web.jpg>
> * we had quite a lot of interest on the stand on completeley different
> areas:
>  + complete newbies (What is OSM? Never heared about it.)
>  + OSM users just saying "thank you guys, it's wonderful what you as
> project are doing" => I want to forward this to worldwide all mappers!
>  + some mappers asking about "how can I map this and that"
>  + quite some people asking about "how can I use OSM on my device xyz"
> (including Garmin devices)
>  + developers who want to show a map on the web e.g. with a special overlay
>  + people asking: "can I do this and that" with the data? I would be
> interested to to do "xyz"?
>  + question: "can I trust the data? How verified is it?"
>  + ...
> * once more a big Thanks to Geofabrik / Frederik for the printouts, they
> have been very helpful to point to the project!

I got the one of Brussels/Etterbeek and I'll use it on some mapping parties
I'm planning to organise. Thanks Frederik! It makes the project more

> * flyers went away very quick: after 2..3 hours they were gone (also
> Thanks to Geofabrik / Frederik for providing them) => next year have more
> flyers

Yes, with 5000 attendants to the conference, we should have around 1000 of
them. But who has money to create them? I took a sample, which I'm planning
to translate into Dutch to hand out to random people I meet while mapping.

> * tablet devices are a good way when you want to show somebody e.g. a map
> within a discussion or in the crowd in front of the stand

I'm glad I was able to bring mine and that I was able to help people
install OsmAnd and Vespucci on their Android devices. I was a bit worried
about it getting stolen, though. There is no way to secure it with a
Kensington lock cable. Most people at FOSDEM are decent, but it takes only

> * For me it was very interesting to work in a multinational team (mappers
> being present from Belgium, France, Germany, Slovakia or Slovenia, ....).

Yes, that was a great experience for me as well. Especially since I went to
present OSM in Normandy the weekend before.

* It is benificial to talk to people who have questions in their own
> language which we have been able with the international team.
> * maybe somebody from the OSM community should do a talk (or lighning
> talk) to get some SW developers and not mappers, the audience at FOSDEM has
> a great potential to get other people interested than mappers [1].

Somebody should indeed get in front of a room of developers and explain
where we stand and what more is needed. I've been doing a presentation in
Holland about the advanced possibilities of JOSM (in Dutch) and another one
in France as a general presentation of the project (in French) and I might
step up to do one in English, if noboby else does. But I'm a bit reluctant
to actually do it. I'm not really used to talk in front of a public.

> * IMHO OSM should be present at FOSDEM 2013 again (another stand).

Absolutely. I'd prefer to be in the K building though (now we were in AW)
and with 2 or maybe even 3 tables.

We should also have some 'swag'. I liked the warm headwear the OpenSuse
project brought. Maybe selling stuff like that a little bit above cost,
could pay for the flyers.

A cap, or a sticker, or a high-viz vest. Or T-shirts, of course. Preferably
something that's useful during cycling or hiking to give the project the
name recognition it needs.

> * the WLAN provided for the conference was working very well at our stand

It's the WLAN of the ULB. I'm sure it works fine throughout all the
buildings, although the FOSDEM crowd probably stresses it quite a bit :-)

> * on (very) cold weather don't have your stand located too close to the
> entrance door...

Ask to be in the K bulding.

> add [1]: don't get me wrong, I am not at all complaining about mappers! We
> need more of them worldwide. But the overall project has not only a need
> for people collecting geo facts, IMHO there is also an increasing need for
> people developing the tools to process and work with the data.
> Best regards,
> Michael.
> PS: genereal comment on the FOSDEM after my first visit: very interesting
> but very tight arranged event (10...20 talks in parallel) who is worth a
> travel.

Fortunately quite a few of them are recorded so we can still 'attend' them
on line.


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