On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> Hey, Toby, thank you for your hands-on approach to contacting lost
> mappers.    Do you know haw many you reached and how many responded?

I attempted contact with 168 users. 105 of them accepted the new
terms. I got two hostile responses and one user who couldn't find 5
minutes in the month of March to log in and review the new terms.

But my efforts pale in comparison to Simon's work. And my 105
responses wouldn't have been anywhere near that without his help and

And thanks to EVERYONE who took a few minutes to send a message to
some local users. Without this distributed effort I doubt we would
have seen the steady rate of new acceptors as seen on my graphs:

I was really expecting that line to flatten out a while ago.


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