> I cannot change what has happened in kosovo, and we have to make the
> best of it. I want to have good relations with all people of the world
> and on osm. I dont want to fight with you over this, my purpose is to
> make a usable map and to keep the team motivated to do so. Please
> restrain yourself and friends from making that harder. We are on a world
> stage here, and we need to work together to improve things not make them
> worse.

But what you are doing is helping to make it worse. You do not get it? Whole nations are killed or expelled from that territory and you just say it is ok.

Why you do not try to help those people who cannot get back to their homes because propel you support do not allow them to, and threaten them to kill them on sight?

You are developing relations only with Albanian people and help them to legalize what they took by horror crimes.

Yes, you may say differently but everything you do show what are your actual goals: to proclaim as legal state of vandalism, mass kilings and taking over others private property.

> We need to stop the endless renaming of things, and renaming kosovo to
> pre 1989 names wont help.

Really? And why you first have to finish renaming you are accomplishing and then ask to stop renaming_ Why you did not stop renaming at first place?

And again, yu are luying. I already corrected what you said: renaming you are participating in is not dated in 1989, but in 1999. Until 1999. in Kosovo i Metohia both Serbian and ALbanian languages were freely used includin official form.

In 1999. Albanians started proccess of albanization of everything which includes renaming.

You know it very well, and you still persist lying about it.

> Now imagine what will happen when changes like that show up when we are
> demoing our work to people to gain support for osm in prishtina, it will
> bomb. It is not fair to us, to the project and really you are harming
> yourself indirectly with such edits.

And what about people who initially named Priština as Priština (Приштина actually) and who were killed or expelled in 1999. and afterwards? You do not considered a bomb that they were left without lives and homes, they cannot get back and as result of that?

Albanian population prevails as result of crimes they committed against all other nations who lived there, and you just support Albanian population and simply declare that it's all theirs now and they can rename whatever they want?

What about victims? What about their fear? What about their hope to get back to their homes? What message are you sending to them by renaming their homes in Albanian and doing everything you can to make it look that not just Serbian, but no other nation ever lived there? Is that message of making good relations to all people as you declare?

No, what you do is crime against law and crime against humanity.

OSM should not allow that. If you had good intentions you would go to Albania and start your projects in Albanian language. Every reason says that every single project you are participated in, which solely purpose is to albanize, should run in Albania.

There are just two reasons why you do it in Kosovo i Metohija: one, to support Albanian declaration of independence of Kosovo i Metohija, and to help them finish their bloody job by totally albanizing that territory in the process, and second: in Kosovo i Metohija you can get lots of money for your bloody job while pretending you are doing humane job.

> please lets agree to concentrate on our own little parts of the world
> and try not to damage other peoples part of the map.

I agree, go to your own little part of the world, in your own homeland and do this. Do not experiment on foreign territory, and with foreign people, especially if there are unsettled issues among them, like in Kosovo i Metohija.

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