Its the edits that mess up the existing data and make it difficult to undo
that are most undesirable:

1) If the user is new, these would usually be in the first few changesets:
a) untagged ways not connected to anything
b) ways that are shifted
c) single node shifted way out of place
d) untagged nodes
e) deleted ways and nodes (delete, i think should be disabled for users<10
f) deleted tags
g) ALL CAPS in name tags
h) capitalization in tags eg. Amenity=Bank
i) incorrect tagging for names: eg. bank='Scotland Bank'
j) ways not properly connected to other ways
k) ways drawn on top of other ways

2) For experienced users:
a) Shifted ways
b) Way nodes aligned to a line without checking
c) Ways with unfixed tags because of merging
d) Accidentally deleted objects

In general, i think an effective way to fight vandalism is to have some
kind of review for the edits of new users, especially the first changeset.
Also give very experienced editors with certain numbers of edits some extra
power like the ability to block a user or place his edits on review.

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