> From: Frederik Ramm [mailto:frede...@remote.org]
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Islands that will vanish in the license change
> Hi,
> On 04/13/12 11:00, Paul Norman wrote:
> > This technique works well for smaller areas, but when I tried running
> > the license check plugin on a 5 GB .osm file it was unhappy.
> With very large files, I do manage to get a result from the plugin but
> JOSM's performance rapidly deteriorates (no doubt due to my hapharzardly
> implementing the plugin because as soon as I switch off the license
> check layer things work smoothly again).
> In these cases I tend to:
> 1. load very large file
> 2. run license check
> 3. visually identify problem area
> 4. drop license check result layer
> 5. select (one of a number of) problem area(s) 6. invert selection 7.
> purge data 8. re-run license check
> That way, I can zoom in on problem areas without always having
> everything loaded.
> > I have all the code
> > written to do this automatically except the logic, which I'm finding
> > oddly difficult.
> In addition to the logic in *my* code being difficult, it is also not
> the ultimate algorithm; while there will be little difference between
> the WTFE algorithm/license change plugin and the actual license change
> bot, there may be situations where they make different decisions.

So I'm running difficult logic on a service that has difficult logic itself?
No wonder I can't always predict the results :)

The biggest problem I ran into when implementing cleanway was that I didn't
have a full history of the objects. If an acceptor creates a way and a
decliner adds natural=coastline to it WTFE reports the same as if an
acceptor creates a natural=coastline way and a decliner adds some other tag,
but the two scenarios are very different to the coastline process.

My main goal was to identify the big problem areas (e.g great lakes, west
coast of the US) and it has worked for that. Post-rebuild it looks like any
coastline breakages will be fairly isolated and not flood large areas.

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