Since there still seems to be debate about some cases, would anyone object
to type=multipolygons and those missing type=* tags that are over a week and
others over a year? 

Then we can debate the validity of a relation not referenced by anything in
the database and not referencing anything itself.

> From: Paul Norman []
> Subject: [OSM-talk] Proposed mechanical edit: Empty Relations
> Through editor errors or other mistakes there are a number of relations
> in OSM which have no members. I propose a mechanical edit to delete
> these where they are not members of some other way. My proposed
> procedure, documented at
> is
> to identify these with my pgsnapshot database and delete them if they
> aren't referenced by any other relation.
> If they are referenced by another relation I will investigate them and
> deal with them manually.
> I've investigated a few of them and they appear to be caused by people
> deleting ways from multipolygons but not deleting the relation. I don't
> want to investigate all 5200 by hand so I'm proposing the mechanical
> edit.
> I will filter out ones touched in the last 24 hours to avoid conflicting
> with anyone.
> If this goes ahead and anyone wishes to opt out for some unknown reason
> let me know. It would not be possible to opt out by area as an empty
> relation has no geodata associated with it.
> I was tempted to do this without posting, but it does fall under
> and therefore
> requires consultation.
> A quick sampling of the ones most recently created indicates that they
> are mainly made with JOSM, including recent versions. JOSM devs may want
> to make it harder to accidentally create a relation with no members.

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