Steve Bennett wrote:
> It's been like this for at least a week for me, I think. Can you
> definitely see licence info in, say, Melbourne? I see no red
> outlines, and no "no"/"partial" etc above the advanced editor.

Presume that's Melbourne, Australia rather than the nice little Derbyshire
town ten miles down the road from where I am now. :) But yes, I can go to
Melbourne and see that way 4308541 (for example) is 'partial'. It could be
that your Flash Player has cached a faulty crossdomain.xml and is
therefore refusing to load, or something. I'd try manually opening (and
reloading) wtfe's crossdomain in a browser window to refresh the cache, or
experimenting with a different browser to see if that works.

> "The bad news: the electric chair is *still* out of action, but we're
> trying as hard as we can to fix it. The good news: one of the
> prisoners on death row turned out to be innocent while we were fixing
> it."
> :)

"Caedite eos - novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius..."


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