2012/5/20 sabas88 <saba...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I was told once there was a bot that 'fixed' fixme as a value (I found a
> proposal about that here[0]). It exists? Who can run it?
> Currently I see a lot of fixme which don't conform to Fixme key[1], as a
> result I see things like this[2].
> Regards,
> Stefano
> [0] http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@openstreetmap.org/msg05531.html
> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fixme
> [2] http://osm.org/go/xTf6mZ7

IMHO "fixme" should be used in small quantities for unsure (but
probable) information, e.g. you are quite sure but don't remember
100%, or you see something in OSM that seems plain wrong but you don't
know the area and have not much time to investigate, therefor you flag
the object so that someone from the area can resurvey it.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to flag missing information like
"missing name", "missing ref" and similar, because you can see from
the data that the name is missing, or the ref is missing. On the other
hand missing information like missing oneway could make some sense _if
you think that the road is oneway_, but you don't know for sure.


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