On 20 May 2012 17:46, Worst Fixer <worstfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are 400+ ways tagged "building"="levels=N" in database.
> I propose changing tags to building=yes; building:levels=N for these ways.

This seems reasonable. But is there evidence (wiki page, taginfo
stats, etc) that this is the preferred way of tagging a building with
N levels? If so, it would be helpful if you were to provide details of
it in your post. This would save everyone evaluating the merits of
your proposal from having to look it up themselves.

> Also I propose removal of "addr:housenumber=?" on these objects, and move
> "name=N" to "addr:housenumber=N".

I presume that N stands for a number here. If so, I can see the logic
in moving name=N to addr:housenumber=N where there is currently no
addr:housenumber key on the object. (Though again a link to the wiki
page describing the addressing tagging would be helpful.)

But I'm not so sure why you would want to remove an existing
addr:housenumber=? tag. Why would you presume in the event of a
conflict between a name=N and an addr:housenumber=? that the "N" is
the correct house number, while the "?" is worthless and should be
thrown away? I think that your rational here needs to be explained
further before you proceed, perhaps with some typical data to
illustrate the problem you're attempting to correct. (You can't expect
people to look through the .osm file to find this out.)

However, if I'm interpreting your summary/overview page correctly, the
number of objects that would have their addr:housenumber=? tag
removed, is very small. So why don't you just evaluate and edit these
manually before proceeding with any automated edits?

> http://worstfixer.000a.biz/03-building=levels/overview.html


Robert Whittaker

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