> From: Worst Fixer [mailto:worstfi...@gmail.com]
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Edit review: intermittent waters
> Hello Paul,
> You use HTML letters in mailing list. Using blue color shows your power.

My client uses HTML to reply to HTML messages. Since your message was HTML, I 
followed up in HTML.

> 2012/5/30 Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>:
> > Could you post the code used to generate the changesets?
> Ich may not. Some parts of it are not open source. I think of clean
> rewrite.

The logic that you have created is what I'm interested in. 
> > That would be the
> > easiest way for some of us to review your proposed changes. It
> > wouldn’t remove the need to explain it to non-programmers, but it
> > would be much easier for some of us if we could look at the code.
> Why bother posting code if it means Ich need to write long posts to
> people who can not analyze more than their neighbour hood, but send
> their mail fastly?

The onus is on you to communicate the reasons for your edit. You are proposing 
large mechanical edits touching a wide variety of tags. The consultation is 
therefore likely to be complicated, to go along with the complicated edit.

> > -          You provide no information on why you are removing the keys
> > that you are
> Some people asked for another column, "edit reason". That is hard but do
> able.
> Ich will create database of bad tags with comments.

To review your proposed edit you really need to explain why you are making each 
change. If we don't know why you're making a change, how can it be reviewed?

> > -          A couple of other people have expressed concern over the
> > message sent by having a mechanical edit from the WorstFixer username.
> I share them.
> > It is not enough to dismiss this as an objection that is not “valid”
> Ok. I will do the same way as DWG does. Ich will create separate account
> WorstFixer_repair to distinguish it from my main account.

The concern was with the WorstFixer part of the name. If WorstFixer is your 
main account then I have concerns about such an inexperienced user making 
mechanical edits.

> > -          A significant number of these ways appear to be from US NHD
> data.
> > You should also consult specifically with the US community and develop
> > a consensus there that the edit is worth doing, in addition to the
> > global community.
> US ist on the globe. They forget that from time to time, but must
> remember. Consulting global community is enough, according to current
> policy.

The consultation in the policies is a bare minimum. It may come out in 
consultation that an edit requires additional consultation with other groups. 
This edit, as you say, consists mainly of US import clean-up. It is not 
unreasonable to expect you to then consult with talk-us.
> > -          The mapping from NHD FCode to OSM tags used for some of
> > these imports may of not been ideal. I have been working on a better
> > one but have not finished.
> I ask you to finish it and show. If you are not able to, Ich will have
> to.

No - you do not have to. Another option is to wait. The current logic is at 
https://github.com/pnorman/ogr2osm-translations/blob/us_nhd/us_nhd.py but this 
has not yet been reviewed by the US community.

> > I believe it would be best to exclude the US from this edit and later
> > on (post-rebuild likely) propose an edit which includes changing
> > tagging on untouched objects.
> This edit consists mostly of US import clean up. You know that. You just
> lazy to fix it. Three years already.
> Post-rebuild ist way of telling "fuck off forever".  Some believe in
> Jesus second coming, some believe in rebuild. I not share both belifs.
> Both not have any effect on what Ich doing.

My work on the NHD translations continues. I foresee it finishing either during 
the rebuild or after it, based on current progress. As there are to be no 
mechanical edits when the rebuild is going on, that places it as after.

If I finish before the rebuild then I'd propose something then, but it will 
take some time for anything I propose to be reviewed since it would be fairly 

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