2012/6/6 Worst Fixer <worstfi...@gmail.com>:

>> I am very reluctant to have someone who
> ...
>> (4) continues to make misleading and offensive statements in their OSM user
>> blog
>> play any part in rewriting our import guidelines, or helping to enforce
>> them.
> I see. Personality and charisma matters for you, thus, for DWG
> decisions. That is why we need strict guidelines. Agreed by everyone.
> Not just people who Frederik likes. Or dislikes.

I think Frederik just speaks out, what some people (which i know in
real life as well, not only by nickname) think about you. When i
answered earlier to one of your post, i put aside everything, that
simply reading your fake-german-english mixture startles in my stomach
and focus on your ideas, which are to be honest, not entirely bad. But
in your latest reply to this list, you go on provoking ad spreading a
foul mood in general, which is simply not the way, osm operated so
far. So i support Frederiks claim, and even make it my own (so you can
not just blame Frederik or the DWG for opposing you) that you should
not continue your work on rewriting the terms and even the less
"helping" to enforce them, until you change your attitude towards the
people who co-work (the "co" part is what osm is actually about) with
you on such a great project like osm.

>> I know that we don't operate a strict real-name policy at OSM but I would
>> expect someone who wants to be involved at a level where they make mass
>> edits and help shape project guidelines to be a real person with an identity
>> and not just some nickname.
> I would not expect that. OSM has strict privacy policy, that says
> "nothing but your user name will ever be disclosed". User name is
> needed only to fight vandalism and have way to contact. Not to find
> people in real world.

Still, since what you are doing, rewriting rules and on the same time
doing large mechanical edits while violating said rules, reqires at
least some basic trust in your person and your work, it would be nice
to know who you are, what your profession is, what your history with
osm is and if you have been involved in osm before...just to get to
know you, you know..

>> I support Jaak's points; I dislike the flow chart presentation;

> I was tempted to write "tl;dr" after this, even though I read this. 8
> lines of nice bookish English is nice for some newspaper article. But
> it is not the way to write guide lines. Keep in mind people who not
> spik inglish.
i am tempted to write ts;dr after each of your email, but this is
exactly the kind of offensive behaviour i mentioned above. Be nice, be
cooperative, be open to criticism and everbody will appreciate and
gladly discuss your contributions. But like this....not. At least not


Philippe Rieffel

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