On 6/12/2012 1:50 PM, Frank Steggink wrote:
On 12-6-2012 19:43, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:
Ok, I've got zero editing experience, but have been using and exploring OSM for some time now. Can someone lead me by the nose as to what might be causing zoom level 14 and only 14 to be gray instead of green for the National Park?


Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ

talk mailing list

The rendering date of the tiles was April 12. I've requested a rerendering of this meta tile by marking it dirty, and now those are green again. Normally tiles of level 13+ should be rerendered automatically on changes. But perhaps this didn't happen, because the area is quite large, so the metatile falls entirely within the park. (Not checked though.)

Ok, that would explain why the rendering date was current by the time I tracked down the individual tile file and did the /status check. I was headed in to verify that (once I remembered the feature) and was going to do my own /dirty to see if it would clear up, but you got there before I did.

Thanks for helping out and I'll see if I can remember to try that next time before posting here.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ

PS.  Yes, the tile is green now for me also!

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