I understand your reaction, but this has been announced for a long time
now. Around where I live and practically in all of Belgium hardly anything
disappeared. This is due to the hard work of myself and others to remap non
ODBL compliant stuff before the bot ran. I've also been contacting people,
trying to convince them to agree, which often worked. In only 2 or 3 cases
of large contributors it didn't. So we worked on it.

Which you can either choose to do as well. Or you can join the crowd and
use maps which you can't improve or reuse for your own needs.

In a few weeks/months all will be well again and the map will keep
improving once more. Even though it may seem dramatic, this is only a minor



2012/7/21 Maetma 91 <maetm...@gmail.com>

> Today I look at the map and I see that lots road where I live is gone.
> Today I look at the map and I see that lot work I do last year is gone.
> Today I am VERY NOT HAPPY.
> I am sorry but now I will use map from Google  because they do not
> remove road or brake people work.
> Before I say to my friends "Use Openstreetmap it is cool" and today
> they laugh me and say "Openstreetmap is shit, it miss lots roads"
> This night I spend lot time repairing what you break from the map but
> it is endless because you remove a lot.
> You say France is 99.9% correct. This is lie. There are lots road
> gone. Map is no use now.
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