Am 03.08.2012 02:19, schrieb Eugene Sandulenko:
Moreover, having unpredictable mix in 'name' will degrade quality of
any navigational maps or geocoding.
While I cannot say anything regarding your other points, and, to be clear, I don't oppose you in general, I would like to disagree with this argument: Having an unpredictable mix in name will not degrade quality of anything, as long as you provide the "languaged" tags, too. We have the discussion about that currently in another thread - and I think, this edit war is an additional argument on not using lang=* as a separate tag but to use redundant name tags:

To "fix" navigational maps and geocoding, use all useful localized variants: independent of what's in name, use name:ru, name:crimea (or whatever language code crimean has, I'm not sure, sorry), name:en.

Navigational maps and geocoding software that does not use these tags, too, is broken - and it should be possible to fix it.


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