Hi Paul,

The coastline was there previously, so it might be an accidental
deletion problem. We are currently looking.

As far as the road classification that is something we are working on
having better documentation in Indonesian. I don't think the
classification has anything to do with the redaction it is more an
issue of people being new and just needing some help.



Hi Paul

Garis pantai sudah tersedia sebelumnya, jadi kemungkinan masalahnya
adalah terhapus secara tidak sengaja. Kami sedang menyeledikinya.

Klasifikasi jalan merupakan sesuatu yang sedang kami kerjakan yaitu
memiliki dokumentasi yang lebih baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Saya
tidak berpikir bahwa klasifikasi memiliki hubungan dengan perubahan
lisensi, masalah ini lebih kepada pengguna baru dan membutuhkan
beberapa bantuan.


On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 5:01 AM, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com> wrote:
> I happened to notice the coastline for an entire island in South Sulawesi,
> Indonesia is missing.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-6.1219&lon=120.4563&zoom=14&layers=M
> There also seem to be a lot of primary roads and few lower classifications.
> This actually may not be redaction related.
> I'm sending this in the hope that an armchair mapper can trace it or a
> suitable source can be found. The imagery isn't great.
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