
A few of my issues with uploading gpx Files to OSM which I'd like to discuss, 
and put forward some suggestions.  This may have a specific place to be 
discussed? I'm really not on top of mailing lists.

Each few months I have about 100meg of gpx files to upload which is a very slow 
process on a slow internet connection.  One option is to bundle them and 
upload, but they appear as one trace as stated here: 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Batch_Upload  Likewise if I upload as a 
batch I then have to find all the files and change all the tags for purpose of 
organisation.  So I individually and painstakingly upload them and tag them up, 
with each file taking about 3 mins+, and I currently have a backlog of about 
500 files.  So the concept of sitting for 24+ hours of solid 
uploading/labelling files is unappealing!  So it is always a case of taking a 
huge amount of time, the current options are just to either take that time up 
with a different process or compromise the organisation with a more basic 
process to save time.  So in short, 'save time by not doing it fully', or to 
put it bluntly, 'cut corners'.  

Part of the issue is also having to move between pages to edit tags (if batched 
uploaded), or just to upload a new file if manually uploading files 
individually. Only a few seconds loading each page but it really adds up fast.  
This can be partly overcome by having multiple tabs open and setting up the 
next upload while the other one is underway, however the 3+mins per upload was 
considering this.  

Then moving files around and finding files is not possible.  Finding files has 
been addressed and there is a request here: 
https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/1999 so I'll just +1 that.  For moving 
files, currently once a file is uploaded it's stuck in that order.  Again 
depending on your level of organisation you may be able to relate or not, but 
sometimes it's infuriating to have to delete files you've painfully uploaded to 
upload another one in the correct place, so that the files are in date order 
(which is how I have them organised).   It would be a huge time saver to be 
able to manually move the files up/down the list.  

Also the bulk uploader, and the wiki page is far beyond the ability of the 
average computer user, of which I am one.  Within this project I will be one of 
the less computer(code) able people, however within the wider world, I am very 
able with computers.  So from that perspective it should be common for me to 
read much I don't understand in this project, however I shouldn't have issues 
with using something like a bulk uploader, or a commonly needed tool/site etc.

So that is my description of some bottlenecks.

My idea, for simplicity I've stuck into an image form, which I'll give a rough 
description of, but hopefully the concept is clear.


There would be a bulk upload option in on the upload file page, and you then 
select a .rar/.zip file etc.  It uploads untagged, or can inherit the file name 
for description, or put your own in for all of them being the same.  Once all 
loaded a page opens (editing page) which lists all the files and allows you to 
add tags in mass.  As for instance the tag 'UK' would likely appear on 100's of 
files in a row if you live in the UK which may have been uploaded.  Likewise in 
smaller clumps with country/region/local region/town name etc.  So if you could 
apply tags to ticked files, or manually type names in on the same page that 
would be ideal.  Then for the file name a 'replace' function as in Excel would 
be ideal, as the track name can often be part of the file name.  So if you 
inherit the file name, then replace, you can extract the necessary section 
easily as in example.  The replace option would need to be able to look for 
something such as "File **** - " or "**/**/2012 - " for example.  Then next to 
each file with it's tick box would be a small up and down arrow, for shifting 
the file around in the order, and likewise a delete button for quick removal 
rather than having to shift to a sub page and taking time.  Finally within the 
current file listings page, a tick box method of getting multiple files into a 
multiple file editing table as just discribed would be needed.  An advancement 
on this would be to be able to add to a list, by leaving the page and coming 
back to it with more selections.  Also being able to remove things from the 
selections page, rather than just un-selecting.  (Actually in rereading that, 
it really sounds similar, but a less graphical version, to the facebook bulk 
photo uploading interface.)

 I have no idea about ease of enabling such a feature/features or the demand 
that would have on the overall system, but I hope this highlights a few 
seemingly small inefficiencies which are huge in mass file uploading.  Any one 
of the listed features would be very much appreciated, mostly in time saved.

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