Have a look at Maperitive it may do what you'd like it to do and is highly

Cheerio John

On 30 August 2012 11:29, Lucas Nussbaum <lu...@lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm interested in building custom mtb-oriented maps using mkgmap (so
> that I can create a small map of my area with additional "TO EXPLORE"
> ways, based on past GPS traces.
> I've looked at openmtbmap.org, but I am unable to follow the process
> described on http://openmtbmap.org/tutorials/render-maps-mkgmap/:
> - the style file is not provided anymore (I'm surprised it was not
>   merged into mkgmap?), and provides some additional info (e.g. relying
>   on the mtb:scale tag)
> - some customizations seem to have been made to mkgmap. For example, in
>   openmtbmap maps, the name of ways reflects the type of ways (grade1
>   track => named "G1 TRK"). That is quite nice, but I could not find how
>   to do that in mkgmap.
> I've tried contacting Felix Hartmann (openmtbmap's author), but you need
> to donate to get support, and he did not answer my private mail.
> Overall, I find it a bit worrying that people rely on openmtbmap.org's
> maps if Felix Hartmann is the only one able to generate those maps due
> to the use of private patches.  What if he suddenly decided to charge an
> insane amount for all maps downloads?
> Has anyone else tried to create mtb maps using mkgmap?
> Lucas
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